Monday, April 19, 2010

Work on Writing Projects

Have you ever had a project you put off,and never finished? We all have. I want to put an end to this procrastinating. No,you don't have to pull out old projects, but if you're working on one right now,pull it out.

First,reread what you have already written. This will give you an idea of what to write next. Then, brainstorm for the next paragraph. Next, just start writing. You can proofread later. Do this every day, but for at least four good paragraphs.

Make personal deadlines for a part of the project(ex. Chapter 1 due by April 5th) and write them down on a calender or daily planner. Don't let those deadlines slip your mind. Of course,if you don't like making deadlines, you can find a way that works for you to stop the procrastination.

Doesn't it feel better to know you've completed another project without procrastination? Just follow these tips, and you'll have many more novels completed before you can blink.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's the problem?

Most articles I read about making an awesome blog post say to keep it short, use simple words, and get strait to the point. I think that's just right down WRONG! Why can't we take the extra step and give some descriptive details? Why can't we dig in deep with the facts and help the reader understand what we're trying to get them to come across? Huh?

Personally, I wouldn't want to read a post that only gives me the basic advice. I would want to read the blog that really describes everything. But that's me. Some of you may only want some basic, non-detailed, easily scanned advice. If you want that, than why read this post?

So if you really are truly like me, than give your readers the best advice you can give. Otherwise, why write the post?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keep a writing journal

So you ask me, What is a writing journal? Well, basically it is a journal used for keeping clips of overheard dialogue, ideas of any sort, poems, book excerpts, anything! I keep a writing journal to put down ideas and dialogue for the book I am working on. For example, here is a clip of dialogue I was going to use in the book I'm working on:

"Why don't you like being treated like a queen? You get anything you want!" "It gets annoying, okay!" "Now don't go stormin..." "Just...just leave me alone."

So basically, it's for anything and everything of your interest.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Aren't pokemon just fascinating? Some of them are cute, too. Especially in their non-evolved form. My two favorite groups are piplup-prinplup-empoleon and torchick-combusken-blaziken.
I have two pokemon games, the diamond version and the ruby version. For the diamond, I picked piplup. For the ruby, I picked torchick. The reason i picked those is because they were the cutest. Please leave a comment stating your fave pokemon.