Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give me an hour a day, and I'll get you in shape for basketball season.

Have you ever felt horribly weak after only shooting baskets for ten minutes?

Just imagine yourself being the star of the team, and all you had to do was work out an hour a day.

Well here's how to make that happen!

I have come up with a workout schedule to keep me in shape for basketball season. It adds up to an hour a day, and is very simple.

-Do simple strecthes, like toe touch and lifting your leg, for five minutes.

-Run for five more minutes

-Do dribbling drills, such as down with left and back with right, reverse suicides, and breakdowns for ten minutes.

-Work on freethrows for five minutes

-work on layups for five minutes

-Shoot for ten minutes

-run around the block once, or your house a few times

-end by doing a few stretches again

So, now that you've got guidlines for a good workout, why don't you get off the computer and go start?

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